Our 2017 Annual Impact Report celebrates numerous achievements. Your kind support has meant that over 50,000 people have been reached in over 1,000 community groups.
In 2017, your generous donations enabled us to:
Launch a new 3-year long project in the Northern Uganda, funded by Comic Relief and Vitol Foundation.
Collaborate on 6 large grants with local partners, focusing on improving maternal and newborn survival.
This includes encouraging home-care practices, increasing uptake and quality of services, policy implementation and effective allocation of resources.
Provide technical support to 6 established partners on methods of engaging communities to successfully develop local solutions to global health challenges facing women, children and young girls.
Encourage 54,596 people from 1,843 rural communities to create local solutions to the health challenges facing women, children and young girls in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
We’ve also trained 30 staff members where we work to design, deliver and monitor methods of community engagement.
Through these solutions, we’ve reached over 1,600,000 people most at risk of maternal and newborn mortality,
We’ve also increased the abilities of over 2,000 health workers providing services to women and children.
We’ve saved the lives of over 400 people, over 300 of these being newborns.
Download the full 2017 Annual Impact Report
Thank you to all our donors, funders and partners for their invaluable support.
You can help us continue this life-saving work by donating below: