Women and Children First is proud to announce that our appointment reminder calendar for pregnant and new mothers has been shortlisted for an ‘Empowering caregivers in immunisation’ Award.
In some countries, like Sierra Leone, women do not get the vital antenatal, delivery and postnatal care and the vital immunisations they need.
This puts 2.6 million mums and babies at risk of dying every year.
Mothers often miss these important appointments because they are not aware that these are necessary for the health of themselves and their newborn babies.
The calendar Women and Children First has designed, called RE-CAL-L, can help stop these deaths occurring.
In some communities Women and Children First works, around 76% of the population in some communities have no mobile phone usage. This means women rely on paper based or oral appointment reminders.
RE-CAL-L is personalised, paper-based and easy to use. It has been designed with the input of local women.
Health workers have also been trained to use it, supporting timely and complete uptake of vital services.
Community health workers use dates from the calendars to plan their routine home visits, ensuring they are there to provide support and advice when they are most needed.
The award we have been shortlisted for: ‘Empowering caregivers in immunisation’ by Design Innovation specialists OpenIDEO gives Women and Children First exposure to vital advice, expert feedback and funding opportunities.
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